
MFA            2009    Sculpture         University of Dallas, Irving, TX
MA              2007    Sculpture         University of Dallas, Irving, TX
BFA             2005    Studio Art        University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma, Chickasha, OK

Professional Experience
2013            Freelance Art Installer
2009-13      Gallery Assistant, Craighead Green Gallery, Dallas TX
2009-12      Adjunct Professor of Sculpture and Ceramics, El Centro College, Dallas, TX
2010            Adjunct Professor of Sculpture and Drawing, University of Dallas, Dallas, TX
2009            Teacher Assistant Sculpture I, University of Dallas, Dallas, TX
2008            Teacher Assistant Drawing I, University of Dallas, Dallas, TX
2007-09      Sculpture Studio Technician, University of Dallas, Irving, TX
2003-05      Clay Technician/Three Dimensional Studio Monitor, University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma Chickasha, OK

Classes Taught
El Centro College        Sculpture I & II and Advanced Sculpture, Ceramics I &II and Advanced Ceramics, 3D Design, Drawing I
University of Dallas     Beginning Sculpture, Intermediate Sculpture I & II, Senior Studio, Drawing I, Senior Seminar

Awards and Honors
2010            Second Place Vast 42nd Annual Visual Arts Exhibition
2009            First Place Fine Art Finals West/Southwest Regional Collegiate Scholarship Competition
2006-09      Full tuition wavier, University of Dallas
2005            Dorothy Tulloss Art Scholarship
Judges’ Choice, Montmarte Chalk Art Festival
2004            Dorothy Tulloss Art Scholarship
2003            Dorothy Tulloss Art Scholarship 
2002            Art Plus Scholarship

2012          "Group Show" Craighead Green Gallery, Dallas, TX
2011          "Group Show" Craighead Green Gallery, Dallas, TX
"For A Cure" Upper Gallery, University of Dallas, Irving, TX
2010          "Faculty Exhibition" Haggerty Gallery, Dallas, TX
"Repeat Offenders", El Centro Art Gallery, Dallas, TX
"Texas Oklahoma Art Prize", Wichita Falls Museum of Art, Wichita Fall, TX
"Vast 42nd Annual Juried Exhibition" Meadows Gallery, Denton, TX
2009          “Faculty Show” El Centro Art Gallery, Dallas, TX
“Exchange Exhibition” The Art Museum of National Taiwan University of Arts,
Taipei, Taiwan
“Seven State Biennial” USAO Art Gallery, Chickasha, OK
“Fragile Resilience” ArtCentre of Plano, Plano, TX
“Marrative Sculptography” Mokah Art Gallery, Dallas, TX
2008          “Renew React” Krasl Art Center, St Joseph, MI
                  “Censored Uncensored” Haggerty Gallery, University of Dallas, Irving, TX
                  “CAA MFA” Cora Stafford Gallery, University of North Texas, Denton, TX
2007          “Life Reborn, Master of Art Thesis Exhibition” Upper Gallery,
University of Dallas, Irving, TX
“Form Follows” Texas State University, San Marcos, TX
“Serious Fun” Haggerty Gallery, University of Dallas, Irving, TX
2006          “Momentum 2006” Oklahoma City, OK
2005          “Bachelor of Fine Art Student Show” 3rd Floor Gallery, USAO, Chickasha, OK
“Spring Student Show” Third Floor Gallery, USAO, Chickasha, OK
2004          “Exhibition of the Academic Review” 3rd Floor Gallery, USAO, Chickasha, OK

Art Related Experience
2009-12      Gallery Assistant, Craighead Green Gallery, Dallas, TX
2011            Lead Installer for Deadly Medicine, Haggerty Gallery, University of Dallas, Dallas, TX
Traveling exhibition on loan form the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, DC

2012            Hand Casting Demonstration, Cornerstone Festival, Bushnell, IL
2010            Hand Casting Demonstration, Cornerstone Festival, Bushnell, IL
2009            Target First Saturday November 7th, Nasher Sculpture Center, clay sculpting demo
2009            Target First Saturday September 26th, Nasher Sculpture Center, clay sculpting demo
2009            City Arts Celebration, Nasher Sculpture Center, wood carving demo
2008            Fifth Anniversary Celebration, Nasher Sculpture Center, wood carving demo

Gallery Representation
Craighead Green Gallery, 1011 Dragon Street, Dallas, Texas 75207,